Third Annual Rabbi Furman z"l Evening of Jewish Learning- Deli Meats to Sweet Treats; Feeding the Jewish Soul
September 10, 2023 @ 7:00PM — 8:15PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

An Evening of Learning in Memory of Rabbi Isaac Furman, z"l
Join us for our 3rd annual Evening of Learning in memory of Rabbi Isaac Furman, z"l, as we hear from an esteemed panel about how Jewish food has nurtured and sustained the Jewish people throughout history.
We will also honor Lea Rozovsky, KBA Teacher, as she is inducted into the Rabbi Furman Legacy Society for her dedicated service to KBA.
Sponsorship opportunities include personal ad messages in honor of Lea Rozovsky. Please email messages to by Wednesday September 6, 2023. All proceeds will go towards the Rabbi Isaac Furman z"l Legacy Scholarship Fund.
The Zoom link will be provided the morning of the event.
All participants will receive complimentary High Holiday recipes after the program.